Children’s Ministry

Ages 0-5th grade

A place for children to grow and flourish within our community


Kid’s Kits

Children are welcome and loved in our Sunday morning worship service. If you’d like a way to keep their hands busy, we have kids’ kits available in the foyer with intentional activities for them to enjoy. Don’t forget to give them the gold coins in the baskets to drop into the offering plate when it comes around!


Roots is the time for our children 3 years old (potty trained) to 5th grade to spend time in community with each other during adult discipleship times on Sunday mornings. Alternating Sundays, they prepare a meal together and engage in different prayer practices and Bible memory activities. Other Sundays, the do Godly play or help make a video for a Kids’ Moment in our service. If your child would like to join us for Roots, please fill out the health and safety form below.


One of the ministries we support here at Sunset Ridge is Christian Assistance Ministries (CAM), which works to meet the immediate needs of the under-resourced in the San Antonio area. On fifth Sundays during our Roots time, our children use this time to prepare tacos for the food distribution at CAM the following week. Parents are welcome to join our children in this service opportunity!


Free nursery care is available for children 0-3 years (in diapers) during the adult discipleship times on Sunday mornings and during worship.

Children’s Church

During the sermon, children 3 years old (potty trained) to 5th grade are invited to come to children’s church, where we practice an adapted version of Godly play. Each week, a storyteller shares a Bible story and then children are given the opportunity to engage with the story in a way that connects with them. On the second Sunday of each month, rather than having children’s church, our kids are invited to fully participate in our worship service! We have special songs and learning moments to help engage them in worship.

Kids’ Moments

One of everyone’s favorite parts of service is the Kid's’ Moment, a special section where our children share a video message, read a story on stage, or otherwise engage in the morning’s worship. Some of the videos we use will be filmed the first and third Sundays during the Roots time. If your child is interested in participating, please fill out the health and safety form linked below. Visit our Instagram page to see some of our past Kids’ Moments!


During the summer, children of all ages are invited to Storytime each week on the front lawn as part of our Charis Collective community. During this time, we read a story and do an activity or craft that goes along with it. Grown-ups are invited to grab their Rose Hip Coffee and relax on our picnic blankets while their kids play together and enjoy the day! In inclimate weather, we will move to cover inside our historical chapel.

On second Saturdays, we have a special Storytime for the whole family. Along with our books and crafts, we have fun games, snacks, and activities for all ages! Follow along on the Charis Collective Instagram to see updates.


Youth Ministry