Views from The Ridge 11.15.23

Sunset Ridge is a church that desires to follow Jesus, reach people, and radiate God’s love and hope to all.

This Week

Friday, November 17, 6-9pm  Kids’ Night Out (Register here!)

Saturday, November 18  Men’s Retreat

Sunday, November 19

  • 9:15am  Life Groups, children’s Roots gathering, teen gathering (see website for more info)

  • 10:30am  Worship in the Chapel  (Grateful Giving - II Cor. 8:1-15; 9:6-15)

  • 4:30pm  Outdoor worship 

  • 5:30pm  Dinner for evening gatherings

  • 6-7pm  Parent Group:  Every Season Sacred 

  • 6-7pm  Youth group gathering


November 20-24  Church campus closed (no evening classes)

Wednesday, November 22  No newsletter (will resume November 29)

Sunday, December 3  First week of Advent

Friday, December 8  Camelot Christmas (shop the wishlist here!)

Sunday, December 17

  • Holiday Luncheon

  • Youth group Christmas party

Scars and Struggles

-Riley Stirman

"On the last day, when we arrive at the Great Cabin in the Sky, many of us will be bloodied, battered, bruised, and limping.  But, by God and by Christ, there will be a light in the window and a ‘welcome home’ sign on the door." - Brennan Manning, The Ragamuffin Gospel

This week, Facebook memories is reminding me that 12 years ago I was getting fitted for a cast on my left arm.  If memory serves, it was the third cast I'd had in my life up to that point, but the first one not on my ankle.

It may not surprise you to learn that I enjoyed the attention that came from having a cast. Everyone always got this big look of surprise on their face, and they couldn't wait to ask what had happened.  And with my wrist, I finally had a good injury story to tell!  I was able to proudly tell people that I broke it playing football.  I got the biggest gain of the night off a deep pass.  The safety that I beat downfield had me by the back of the jersey, and he slowed me down enough so that the other safety could treat me like a human tackling dummy.  All three of us landed on top of my wrist.  But hey, I got a good story out of it.  The glory that comes from playing on a middle school B-team is worth basking in.

It's interesting how bumps, bruises, breaks, and scars so quickly work their way into our identity. Where once they were just searing pain, they now remind us of a story.  Maybe an unpleasant one.  Maybe a ridiculous one.  Maybe one we don't remember at all.  But they remind us of the journey we've walked up to this point.

The Christian walk is like this, too.  There's not one of us who experiences our faith as an unbroken string of spiritual successes.  Along the way, we pick up plenty of scars.  Sometimes they're self-inflicted - by poor choices or judgments, for example.  Sometimes others we trust are the ones who do the wounding.  Sometimes we find ourselves wrestling with God and as a result we also, like Jacob in Genesis 32, walk the rest of our lives with a limp.

I hope we can begin to think of some of our weaknesses in this way - as scars that tell a story. Not only do they remind us of memories in the past, but they also point towards the God who was with us for the whole journey.  We may wish for the pains of our past to be erased, but we must remember that our pain has a purpose.  Even Jesus's resurrected body bore the scars from his crucifixion.  But because of the crucifixion, the meaning associated with the scars had changed.  They were signs of his body's weakness, and of God working through his bodily weakness.  All to God's glory.

You may be doing the spiritual equivalent of sprinting unburdened through a field.  Or you may be hobbling.  Or you may have slowed to a stop entirely.  Wherever you are, I promise you that God is there, too.  Your wounds are a part of the life that you've lived.  We should look upon each failure we've had along the way and be grateful that we worship the God who can bring meaning to our mess.  And as Brennan Manning says, even if we make it home with a limp, there will be a place for us all the same.  Glory to God.

Around Our Community

We believe each person in our community is a valuable member in worship.  We are so grateful for the ways teens served in both services this past Sunday.  Thank you to Whitney, Luca, and Julian for leading us!

Thank you to Geraldine Kiser for teaching basket-weaving at last Saturday’s storytime.  The adults loved learning a new skill while the kids played.  Thank you for sharing your giftings with our neighbors! 

Our nursery is in need of a double stroller; if you have a used one in good condition that you would like to donate, please contact Amber Hicks at .

The Sunset Ridge Church of Christ Foundation is designed to extend the ministries of the congregation beyond its routine operations specifically in the Missions, Education and Benevolence ministries of Sunset Ridge Church of Christ.  The Foundation is accepting nominations for the purpose of electing several additional Foundation Board members.  The nominating committee, comprised of Taylor Bates, Warren Branch and Sean Carlin, will accept nominations through November 30.


Views from The Ridge 11.29.23


Views from The Ridge 11.08.23